Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 3

Chappy's Note; Transposing Sidecar & 8Ball's update from text due to "Fred Flinstone" internet at the hotel they are staying in tonight ... it is Canada!

Sidecar; 520 miles today, 3 day total 1875 miles.

6 tract presentations 1 of them a divine appointment. Please pray for Mr. "M" as he reviews the claims of Christ. Beautiful weather, equipment working well. Tomorrow is our longest day at 700 miles, we should get a good rest tonight, but it will be a long day tomorrow.

8Ball; Headed west from Winnipeg through bright yellow fields of Canola through Manitoba and Saskatoon. Spent the morning leaning left into very strong gusty wind blowing across the highway. I was leading, Jeff behind. Passed a 5 foot long piece of truck tire across our lane. As I passed it I gave a hand signal back to Jeff to warn him of debris in the road. Showing his riding experience, he passed the debris on the upwind side. As he passed it a strong gust blew the truck tire into the air and all the way off the road to the right. If Jeff had passed on the right, he would have eaten the tire.

Another example of experienced riding.... When winds are high, always pass debris on the "up" wind side.

Chappy's Note; I'll take Jeff's riding skills (they are very good) and raise you a "Thanks God" to call that bet!

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