Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 4

The last hour of day four was clearly the best hour of the past 4 days. 2800 miles in total, 690-ish today. Enroute as we left Grand Prairie, Alberta around 6:30 local time, we entered the roling hills of western BC. The evening sky was clear the sun was warm and the 78 degree temperature was so comfortable. Across the valleys we could see multiple canola fields yellow with their harvest in the distance, the snow capped peaks of the Canadian Rockies.

The road surface was perfect, the best yet as we made our way from one tree covered hill to the next. No wind at all today and the rumble of the old 103 was muffled by the trees and almost wispered across the terrain. It was the end to a 14 hour day and now, at this point in th etrip, Tim and I both agreed we flet one with our machines. It was in this moment, I though, life is so good and yet eternity with Christ will defy human comprehension.

We had a short but wonderful day of ministry. Only about 4 tracts/tapes distributed by Tim and me, but a couple of good conversations and seeds planted for relationship with Christ.

The pic is of a parking lot personal sermon, these divine appointments are what we live for and ride for. It is indeed the cornerstone of personal ministry for a BikerChaplain.


1 comment:

  1. Most excited and a tad enviousof the spectacle and vistas you two ae enjoying - haven'tben to that part of the world for a spell, yet have never forgotten the majesty.
    Enjoy the reports and love the tracking.
    Selamat jalan, pak Jeff.
    Your friend,
