Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 19 - Clyde Park

This 700 mile day was Super! and Long. The transition was unbelievable. Starting on the Glacier highway, then Banff Park, then down through Calgary, and down over the border-Back into the USA. then south through Montana and the Little belt mountains- a must see. This was our second time through. Tim and I did the route a few years ago going northbound. This time southbound.

I had only one memorable ministry happening this day, a lady stopped me at a truck stop to chat, she was en route to her brothers funeral in Canada, he was hit by a deer on his motorcycle. In retrospective this was most ironic.

Later, in the day, we pushed 2 hours past darkness to get to a beloved brother's house in Clyde Park, I saw more deer this evening than at any other point in my lifetime of riding motorcycles. We were super cautious as you would expect, but the thought of that family caused me to pray for them all the way through the deer zone.

We had a few wake up reminders on the road of how quickly deer (and elk) can pop up from the dark. Among the many deer we saw on the side of the road, Tim had one deer run from the woods across in front of him, followed an hour later by a large elk trotting across the road in front of him.

We were well prepared and traveling at an appropriate speed to allow time to hit the brakes and so neither event was traumatic, though the adrenalin certainly flowed.

Brother Mark, who has put us up is unbelievable. He has been a mentor to both myself and Tim and a big brother in the lord. I so appreciate his wisdom and advice. It was such a privilege to see him as I have been looking st Clyde Park on the map while on the phone with him for the past two years. It is so special to see him on this day. Praise the Lord!

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